Friday, October 30, 2020

Not a Prediction but Maybe a Premonition

Blame your favorite whipping post, but the US has clearly been set up to disbelieve the results of next week's election and to distrust the entire electoral process into the future.

Not a completely unrelated corollary is to imagine those who so vociferously objected to the protests of police killings of Black folk will take to the streets if Biden wins, openly carrying their cherished Second Amendment firearms. 

I am posting this here in my Writing Workshop blog on October 30, 2020 to be clear that I considered these things before the election.

I am adding this on December 12, the day after the Supreme Court refused to hear the Texas suit against Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. I am convinced that undermining confidence in the US electoral process also would have been accomplished with a Trump win. 

 What if re-electing Trump was always of secondary importance to undermining confidence in US elections which could be accomplished whether he won or lost?

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