Sunday, October 13, 2019

So What Happens If …

I claim no prophetic gift, no access to any hidden information. What I am writing here are my personal observations of human nature and current events. I am not posting this to social media to spread any sort of opinion, but I am adding this to other things in my Writing Workshop blog as a kind of reality check as actual events unfold. I made slight modifications since though impeached, Donald Trump was not convicted. The fiasco of the April 7 Wisconsin election in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic only seems to raise the stakes on the chaos the November election could bring.

So what happens if Donald Trump is defeated in the 2020 election and refuses to leave office, citing corruption  and voter fraud? Would the courts support him? Would there be widespread protests in the streets? So what happens if citing public safety he invokes executive authority and declares a national emergency prohibiting public demonstrations and imposing strict curfews? So what happens if as Commander in Chief he orders the US military to enforce his ban on demonstrations and his curfews? So what happens if he orders the federalization of state national guards and police? So what happens if as part of the declaration of a national emergency, he dissolves Congress and suspends the courts and even the Constitution? So what happens if his loyal base supports emergency powers and turns on their neighbors who do not? So what happens if churches invoke Romans 13 to condemn individuals, pastors, and congregations who do not support the emergency powers?

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