Sunday, September 23, 2018

Clean Up Your Own House

Whether or how you want to connect Patti Davis’ story to Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, I believe it speaks volumes to the awareness that #MeToo has brought to much needed public attention in the past year. This is not a political issue per se; it is a human issue of paramount importance. The perpetrators are not just politicians but also government officials, athletes, entertainers, business executives, and clergy - which is of great personal concern to me. If I may use the cliché, I am sick and tired of making excuses or evasions for someone with whom I agree politically or theologically, or in any other way, by pointing out that within the ranks of those with whom I disagree are those who are similarly guilty, suggesting there may be more of them on the other side, or that what those on the other side did was worse. Keeping score of “my side vs. the other side” totally evades the supreme necessity of accountability and, as it were, cleaning up our own houses. If you tell me that those you consider to be on the other side did it too, or worse, or more, what you are telling me is that you are willing to tolerate sexual harassment and sexual predators in your own ranks. What is happening between Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford is a microcosm of a dangerous and destructive pattern in our whole society. How bad will it have to become before we work together to take action to change the cultural consensus on accepting sex as a weapon of power and oppression?

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