Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Not an Essay - Just Venting

 I hope that by writing this out, I can free my mind for other things that I really need to focus on, such as stepping up care for my wife after her father's death.  I don't expect anyone to read this, but I suppose some might if they are browsing in my blog.

My sense is that one does not need to like or agree with Joe Biden and the Democratic Party to recognize that Donald Trump is evil: viciously vindictive; blatantly dishonest or (to put it more charitably) dangerously deluded; a manipulative con-artist at best.

As I observe his responses after the 2020 election, I keep wondering when everything will collapse around him: legally, politically, ethically. Yet, he seems to have a iron grip on the Republican Party, in ways that seem to me to be totally incongruous with historic Republican principles, conservative political values, and most dramatically evangelical Christian convictions. I can't help but wonder what sorts of threats and revenge are keeping them under his control, yet a substantial following is voluntarily not just loyal but enthusiastic. 

1 comment:

Jumping' Judy said...

Thank you for venting for a lot of us. I am so saddened about the state of our country right now. Much of the current turmoil is a direct result of Trump's presidency. My sincere prayer is that our country wake up and realize they are being manipulated, that out government representatives stop focusing on re-election, and focus on what is best for the country. Thank you for saying what I have been thinking and I suspect I am not alone.

Judy Purcell