Saturday, March 24, 2018

What I Do and Don't Understand about Trump, Clinton, and Obama

I understand having political disagreements with Barak Obama. I understand not voting for Hillary Clinton. I even understand voting for Donald Trump because no other option seemed viable. But I don’t understand how the real or imagined shortcomings of Obama and Clinton are a defense of Trump’s serial adultery and sexual predation. How can someone who has violated his marriage commitments be trusted to honor his oath of office? I don’t understand how what Obama or Clinton did or didn't do justifies undermining a century of hard work by both parties to establish protections for civil rights, for the environment, consumers, and workers, or for folk who are disabled, sick, young, old, and poor. I am incredulous that so many who claim to follow Jesus or the Bible so readily dismiss serious flaws of moral character with nary a hint of the fruit worthy of repentance. (Matthew 3:8; Luke 3:8)

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