What we now call Veterans Day was originally called Armistice
Day recognizing the end of The Great War (we call it World War I. but they didn’t
know there would be a second World War) 101 years ago today, on the eleventh
hour, of the eleventh day, of the eleventh month of 1918. They also called it “the war to end all wars”
because it was so terrible they thought nations would never go that way again.
Of course, the real and perceived injustices of the Treaty of Versailles that
specified the terms of that armistice sowed the seeds of World War II in which
Germany sought to recover from its humiliation and reclaim national stature. Besides being characterized by brutal trench
warfare, World War I introduced airplanes, tanks, and poison gas as important implements
of war. Obviously, World War I did not “end all wars,” so as wars recurred
swelling the ranks of veterans the name and focus was changed to Veterans Day.
As we honor generations of veterans today, let us also work and pray for the justice
and peace for which they gave themselves.