I have my own disagreements with John McCain, which are
rather different than Donald Trump’s quarrels with him. However, I would have
to say that Trump’s threatening response to McCain’s foreign policy comments
suggests he does not understand the line from Kris
Kristofferson’s song Me and
Bobby McGee. “Freedom's just another word for nothin' left to lose.”
McCain’s terminal awareness makes him immune to threats to his career or
reputation. Trump is powerless to take anything that matters to McCain from
him. Thus McCain knows he has “faced tougher adversaries.”
That sort of awareness is why the Roman Empire considered
the early (pre-Constantinian) Christians so dangerous. Confident of the
resurrection to eternal life in Jesus Christ, they could not be threatened,
intimidated, tortured, coerced, or coopted by human power structures. Throughout
history, this is why totalitarian regimes and even seemingly benign power
structures (economic and social as well as political) are so hostile to such
disciples of Jesus. This is why power structures are comfortable with
Christendom and its “Christian nation” heirs. They can manage and manipulate
diluted religion.
With the turmoil that characterizes the US and the world in
our time, I am hearing and seeing a lot of people express yearnings for the security
of the cultural landmarks of Christianity or at least religion. I, however, am
longing for the awakening of Christian disciples who are so confident in Jesus,
the resurrection to eternal life, and the Kingdom (Reign) of God that the
principalities and powers will be unable to coerce or coopt us into this world
that is passing away.